
Highlands House
165 The Broadway
London SW19 1NE

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Agnes Ryu

Agnes Ryu studied integrative medicine of both Western and Eastern Medicine and licensed as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine from South Korea in 1995. A clinician with over 20 years of experience, formerly a research biochemist and university academic, she is the author of over 200 health articles in newspapers and has also contributed peer-reviewed scientific papers to academic journals. She is a popular and trusted health care provider for the Korean expatriate community and Pathways clinic is a fertility division of her natural family medicine practice. Agnes is an advocate of safe and effective natural medicine, compatible with human cell biology.

She began her career as an internist in a teaching hospital and her studies soon expanded into human physiology, focusing on endocrinology & metabolism. While continuing to practice clinical medicine, Dr. Ryu began scientific research into traditional medicine and worked for the New Drug Development Project in the Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University. Her works were published in prestigious journals such as British Journal of Pharmacology and she was nominated as a Japanese Government Munbusho scholar.

In 2001 Agnes began her career in the UK, being appointed to teach in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department at Middlesex University Hospital. She lectured on the scientific interpretation and rationale of Traditional Chinese Medicine, provided clinical supervision, designed clinical trials on pain control and conducted postgraduate courses for clinicians in London and Europe.

The tide of infertility

The unusually high prevalence of hormonal/immune problems and ensuing fertility challenges which she encountered in London has led her to focus on reproductive medicine. This highly specialized field is changing rapidly and demands the practitioner keeps abreast of the latest research.

Her special interests include energy metabolism and steroidal hormone changes and their influence on reproductive ageing and menopausal transition, Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR) which often leads to premature ovarian ageing (POA); gynaecological concerns of inflammatory and immune dysregulation such as endometriosis; ‘unexplained’ infertility (in the Western medicine model); male factor infertility and metabolic reproductive diseases in both men and women.

While her principal object is extending natural fertility potential, over time she has carefully developed protocols to assist effectively and safely those who are embarking on the IVF journey. Dr Ryu believes her intervention should be restorative and regenerative in nature.

Link to Detailed research background

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