
Highland House
165 The Broadway
London SW19 1NE

Clinic Number

A Heritage


Natural Medicine

Male/Female fertility issues

Diminished Ovarian Reserve

Recurrent Miscarriage 

Angiogenesis for
Endometrial Receptivity 

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Welcome to Dr Ryu Consultancy

Dr Ryu is a natural medicine clinic in South West London, specialising in metabolic disorders and fertility issues in men and women. 

We believe fertility and pregnancy care should be highly personal and customized to meet the unique needs and complex challenges of each patient while being effective and safe.

Improving male and female natural fertility potential through a time-tested medical system and achieving spontaneous pregnancy is our aim. This approach distinguishes us from the conventional way of thinking in reproductive care.  

pregnancy maintenance

How to energize the cells? 

How to produce resilient regulatory networks?

How to improve the stability and robustness of the system? 


These are the questions about which we are most concerned. The energy is the core issue in driving the complex process of the body’s ability to heal itself and it is the founding principle of the whole system of traditional Eastern medicine that has evolved over 2000 years with its vast knowledge base and techniques that have been established. 

“My approach to reproductive health is both holistic and functional.
My objective is to combine time-tested traditional medicine with the latest research.”
diminished ovarian reserve Pathways Agnes Ryu

Your egg, sperm, embryos are at the forefront of evolution and new mutations occur more rapidly here than in the rest of the body. How can you supply the fuel and metabolic energy to support the correct work of the gametes? This is the key question we ask when we meet our new clients. While improving metabolic energy production for fertility and mitigating the effect of reproductive ageing, we focus on improving egg/sperm/ embryo quality and provide implantation support to prevent miscarriage. These are not only paramount in natural conception and pregnancy maintenance, but determining factors in IVF outcomes. 

Dr Ryu has successfully supported those who are undergoing IVF through preparation in between the cycles, during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and frozen embryo transfer. She has treated patients with fertility and pregnancy loss issues in UK for the last 15 years.

Natural Fertility Services

By improving male and female natural fertility potential, the achievement of spontaneous pregnancy is our aim. Our main therapeutic modalities make use of historically established treatments such as acupuncture therapy, herbal fertility formulations and the latest nutrition/diet and functional medicine. Our treatments, not only restore natural fertility, but promote long-term health and wellness, exerting an anti-ageing effect. We incorporate the best of the methodologies developed in integrative fertility clinics and teaching hospitals in Seoul, Korea in our treatments. 

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